Trial Classes

1 Free Trial class is available for all new students.

View/Print new student Registration form


Valuable items should not be brought to the gym.  Airborne will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.


Classes will start on time.  Do not drop off student more than 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the class.  Students must be picked up on time.


Visitors must sit quietly in the designated areas.  Please do not talk to or otherwise distract the children participating in the class.  Any interruptions could result in serious injury.


Parents must give a two-week written notice prior to withdrawing a student from the class.  Otherwise, parents will be billed for the entire month.

Gym Closings

Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas (Dec 24, 25, 26), New Years Eve,

New Years Day, ML King's Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Easter weekend,

Memorial Day, July 4th, summer break (last week of August)


Inclement Weather-if the gym is closed for bad weather (snow, ice, heat, etc..) you have 60 days to do a make-up class.  The make-up class must be scheduled ahead of time to participate.  To find out if the gym is closed: check our Facebook/Instagram or call the gym after 2:00PM and there will be an announcement on the machine.  

Phone number (856) 507-1700


Payment Policy

Tuition is due on the 1st of each month / payment received

after the 15th will result in $10 Service Charge.

If payment is not received by the 20th, your child will not be able to participate in class.

Returned Check fee is $20

Fees are not pro-rated, a make-up policy is available.

Make-Up Policy

No credits or refunds will be given for classes not attended /

students may make up any missed class.

Missed classes must be made up within 30 days.

Make-up classes must be done during a “paid” month.


Girls should wear one-piece leotards and boys should wear shorts and T-shirts.  However, spandex shorts and shirts may be worn.  No baggy clothes or jeans, shorts or pants with belts or buckles may be worn.  Hair must be tied away from the face.  Nothing on their feet and no jewelry is allowed in class.


We depend on word of mouth for our gym to grow.  For every person that registers on your behalf, a $10 credit will be issued to you. They MUST tell us “YOUR NAME” at the time of registering their child!