Dear Members,
We want to share with you the procedures we are implementing to help keep our members safe when returning to practice. We reopened on July 20, 2020.
Additional cleaning & sanitizing measures have and will continue to take place.
Health monitoring of the members - any member with fever or flu like symptoms will NOT be able to participate. Parents are urged to monitor their child's health and keep them home if they are sick. Additional 90 day make-up time will be given for all missed classes.
Health monitoring of Airborne staff - all staff will be monitored daily for fever and flu like symptoms.
All members & staff will need to hand sanitize before entering the work-out area & additional sanitizing breaks will take place during class.
Social distance stations will be implemented.
Lobby area guidelines: parents, guardians & members should maintain their social distance and masks are highly recommended. We are urging parents/guardians to drop off & pick up all students. We recommend that anyone waiting should do so in their vehicle.
Thank you,
Airborne Academy